Amingo bot

Best of the bot:

Do you want to start right now?

Standard info

In this bot, there are many useful commands. Like for example:

More functions will be added soon!


Discord plan
Discord plan

Free, forever. Just add our bot to your server.

Google plan
Google plan

Free, forever. It's very simple and quick: Click get started and sing up with google!

Web plan
Web plan

Free, forever. If you don't want the other plans, this plan is right for you! Get started with discord account in your web browser!

How it works?

How it works? It's simply:

  1. You send us a command with input
  2. We send request to dall-e model
  3. Dall-e model paint the image
  4. We receive images by dall-e ai model
  5. Then image is saved on our sql database
  6. At last, our bot will send message to discord with that image

And if you looks at the images in gallery:

  1. Page will send request to our sql database
  2. Download response from database
  3. Search everything that belongs to you
  4. Get image url on cdn from database response
  5. Show images from their url taken from database response


This is some placeholder content for the scrollspy page.
Note that as you scroll down the page, the appropriate navigation link is highlighted.
It's repeated throughout the component example.
We keep adding some more example copy here to emphasize the scrolling and highlighting.